Sweet Tooth Friday (Cooking With Kids Edition!) Rice Krispie Pumpkins

Rice Krispie treats have been around since I was a kid.  I remember quite vividly, in the early 90s, when Kellogg’s started marketing them through TV commercials and then printing the recipe on the box.  I also remember telling my mother about it and making them with her.  Even she liked them!

So, at least once or twice a year, my girls and I will grab some marshmallows and cereal and whip up a batch.  This year, my daughter Veronica is taking a baking class and came home with a cute variation for Halloween, little rice krispie pumpkins.  We decided to make them for her school party today so she ‘taught’ me how to make them.

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How To Tuesday: Ravioli

Everyone loves ravioli.  Delicious little pockets of pasta filled with creamy cheese and laced with sauce or butter are hard to resist.  You can find them in the freezer section of any grocery store.  What you may not know; is that with a little time and patience, you can make them from scratch. 

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Special Edition Sweet Tooth Friday: Grandma Harriet's Rugelach

This week, I decided to roll my Nonna recipe and Sweet Tooth Friday all into one sweet rugelach; I mean, blog post.  This recipe is extra special to me because it was given to me by one of the best Nonnas I know, Harriet Marks-Nelson - my husband’s wonderful grandmother.

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Sunday Supper: Pasta alla Bolognese

Last week, I shared a recipe for my mother’s Sunday Sauce.  This week, I want to show you how the Sunday Sauce can be used to make another Italian favorite, Pasta alla Bolognese.  This pasta sauce originated in Bologna, Italy way back in the 18th century.  It consists of a tomato based sauce mixed with ground meat. Traditionally, it is served on top of tagliatelle or another long pasta like linguine. 

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Sweet Tooth Friday: Anna's Apple Oatmeal Sandwich Cookies

When I was in college, I had a serious weakness for the Sour Cream Walnut Apple Pie made by The Little Pie Company.  They came in mini pie tins and I could eat an entire one by myself - hello, freshman fifteen!  I wanted to develop a cookie recipe that showcased the strudel topping AND the sour cream flavor because the combination is just heavenly.  Here is my spin on combining cookies with the best pies you can get in NYC.

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Daisy's Steamed Fish with Ginger Scallion Sauce

Next stop, Hong Kong!

One of my closest friends from college, Eric moved here to the States from China, at the age of five with his parents and older sister.  I reached out to him to see if his mother Daisy would be interested in participating.  As a true fan of Americanized Chinese food, I was excited to try Daisy’s food.  I was pleased to find her dishes were not only extremely easy to prepare; they were delicious.  The food was unmistakably Chinese to me but just much more refined, simple and delicate than what I get at the local Chinese restaurants.

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Sunday Supper: It All Starts With the Sauce...

Italian tomato sauce is a labor of love.  It’s also the cooking liquid for various meats that are served alongside a huge platter of pasta.  A Nonna would begin making her sauce early on Sunday morning, while the rest of us were still deep in our REM sleep cycle.  They did this because once the sauce had reached bubbly perfection; they could begin creating all the other delicious dishes that would cover the Sunday dinner table. 

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Sweet Tooth Friday: Delectable Donuts

TGIF!  The almighty weekend is coming and its time to make something sweet. Why?  Because I said so.

This week, I decided to make some baked donuts.  I know, it kind of sounds like an oxymoron because the main reason donuts taste so good is that crispy outside coupled with a fluffy inside achieved by a quick bath in a deep fryer.  However, I wanted to see if the baked variety could stand up to its deep fried brother.

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Medz Mama Lucy's Hummus

I love Middle Eastern food!  Some day, I hope to traipse around the Middle East gobbling up falafel, hummus and lots and lots of pita.  For now though, I have the next best thing.  My friend Christine’s mom is Armenian and hails from Beirut, Lebanon.  In addition, she is a fabulous cook.  She raised her three American kids on all the delicacies of her mother’s Armenian kitchen.

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Yia Yia Nelly's 'Greek Festival' Spanakopita

One of the first people I reached out to when I decided to start my Nonna project was my dear friend Kostas.  He, like me, is a first generation kid.  Both of his parents came from Greece in the early 1970s, set up house, and raised two children.  Early discussions we had made me certain our childhood homes were very similar.  So, I thought it would be a great place to start...

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Make Your Mamma Proud Chocolate Chip Cookies

I love chocolate chip cookies.  I’m not really into cake or ice cream, I’m a cookie person.  So, when I get a hankering for something sweet I make chocolate chip cookies.  I think the most important component of the chocolate chip cookies is really, good quality chocolate chunks (sorry Nestle).  What I want is big globs of melted chocolate pieces held together by a little bit of dough.   

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Sunday Supper: Sunday Sauce

The sauce for this dish provides a lovely topping to pasta and the ‘bath’ for the meatballs to simmer in.  Once the meatballs are removed, the sauce carries the aroma of the meat and tastes wonderful on pasta.  The meatballs should be served along side the pasta, NOT on top, as that is the true Italian way.

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Sunday Supper: Mamma Gina's Meatballs

As an Italian, I have been eating meatballs my entire life and the recipe has been passed down to me from my mother who learned it from her mother.  I believe they are the best meatballs you will ever taste. 

To make these meatballs taste just like Mamma's, you will need to make her sauce too!  Click here, for the recipe for Brodo Di Mamma.

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Everyone has a "Nonna"

So many of the recipes you will find here are from women that cook the food of their homeland, every night for their kids, grandkids, in-laws, stray dogs - anyone that is hungry.  They are recipes that fill the belly and warm the heart because the women that make them stir love into every, single bite.


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