Posts tagged latkes
Sweet Tooth Friday: Time To Make The (Israeli) Donuts

Wednesday we talked about latkes and what they mean to the Chanukah celebration.  Today, I’m still frying for Chanukah but this time, it's Sufganiyot - try and say that three times fast! Sufganiyot is a deep fried jelly donut and made all over Israel to celebrate this time of year.  Once again, it symbolizes the miracle of the burning oil and , boy, are they good.

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From Nonna's Kitchen: Mimi Jo's Crispy Potato Latkes

For Christmas, there are a host of foods I make as an Italian and also as a Catholic that represent and honor our traditions of celebration.  For Chanukah, Jewish people serve a number of dishes.  One very popular side dish is potato latkes.  My amazingly talented website designer, Jen was generous enough to offer up her mom JoAnn as a great resource.  JoAnn was a caterer for many years on Long Island.  A true entrepreneur, she started a baking business with her friend and grew a full scale catering company from her home kitchen. As JoAnn explained, Chanukah is a time to honor the oil that burned for eight days.  So, traditionally, Jewish people will serve foods cooked in oil.  Potato latkes are a small cake of potato and onion fried in oil and served with sour cream and apple sauce.  Since I have never met a potato I didn’t like, I knew I was in for a treat.

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