Posts tagged Vegetable Gratin
How To Tuesday: Dinner’s Ready! Verdure Gratinate al Forno (Vegetable Gratin)

When you have a busy schedule from morning ‘till evening, it’s difficult to get dinner on the table without a little stress.  For me, the kids get off the bus and it seems like a high speed chase until bedtime.  I have found to make the nighttime shift a bit easier is to prep as much as I can during the day so that when six o’clock rolls around, dinner is on the table and everyone is able to enjoy a delicious meal. 

My sister and her husband recently got back from a quick jaunt to Rome (lucky ducks!) and introduced me to a new cookbook, Tasting Rome.  After scouring the pages, I found that his recipe fit the bill!  Easy, delicious and like most Italian cooking, only a few ingredients that lead to the perfect dish.


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