Instant Italian! Pizza Montanare
Pizza Montanare
Yields 10 small pizzette
Active Time:
Total Time: 25 minutes
Fried pizza is a snack many of us have had at church fairs and carnivals. Unfortunately, it is often over-dusted with confectioners’ sugar or served with sauce and a bit of grated mystery cheese from that awful green can. Can we even call that Parmigiano Reggiano? Anyway, in Naples, this preparation is called Montanare. After the dough fries, a sauce dollop and a bit of fresh mozzarella or grated Parmigiano lay on top with a final adorning basil leaf. I like to pop them in the oven to melt the cheese and add some basil once they are out of the oven and ready to serve.
1 All Purpose Dough
1 cup tomato sauce
1 pound fresh mozzarella cheese, cubed small
10 small basil leaves
½ cup neutral frying oil like grapeseed or sunflower
Once the dough is removed from the cling wrap, pinch off 3 to 4 ounce pieces. Reroll the pieces into balls, using a dusting of flour if needed. Place the small doughs on a baking sheet and cover with a tea towel while you prepare the oil.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place each dough ball on a lightly floured surface and press out to a flat circle.
Heat oil in a cast iron skillet on medium heat until it reaches 350 degrees. Place two dough into the hot oil and allow them to fry for 3 minutes, flip and cook for an additional three minutes. Poke any bubbles that form with a fork to maintain a flat surface.
Remove from the oil onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Spoon three teaspoons of sauce in the middle of each dough and add ¼ cup of mozzarella cheese.
Place them in the oven for 5 minutes, until the cheese is melted. Remove from the oven and add a basil leaf. Serve immediately.